I am so humbled when I receive a blog award that I am almost speechless. It is rare that I actually shut up, so rendering me speechless is a monumental feat.

I work 14 hours on Mondays and 12 hours on Tuesdays but I still manage to respond to all of my wonderful social media followers in between my classes.

This is the reason that I often comment on your blogs 3 or 4 days after you post. I so much enjoy reading them all so please forgive me if I don’t get to them on the day posted. I’ll get there eventually.

Because blog awards are passed on, I usually don’t have time during the week to give them the thought that they deserve. This is why there is a delay between me receiving the award and the time I pass it along to the next recipient.

In order to make things easier and to take the time that these special awards deserve, I will accept them and receive them in a special Saturday post from now on.

This week I was given 3 (or 5 depending on how you look at it) awards, The Inspiring Blog Award, the 3-in-1 Award and the Hug Award. WOW!!! I really don’t know what to say. (I better think of something by Monday.)

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

This award was given to me by one of my new friends Currie Rose whom I understand I almost caused injury to her when she almost fell off her chair when I told her that Stress kills, that’s why I gave it up for Lent.

I must remember to include a warning label with my humor so that all my readers don’t end up in the hospital. I assure you that any harmed caused by Mental Health Food humor is purely accidental and that we are trying desperately to get the mental case that writes this blog under control. In the meanwhile, here is are some guidelines:

WARNING: The author of this blog is known to get completely out of control, especially during the warm months of spring and summer. As far as medical science can tell, the humor contained is a strange mixture of Andy Rooney, Robin Williams with a slight touch of Dennis Miller. All profanity and nastiness has been removed. Laughter is extremely contagious, so approach with caution.

The rules for this award are as follows:

  • Thank the person who nominated you. Done. Please visit her blog and show love.
  • Share 7 things about yourself. Are you sure you want me to do this? I warned you – see above.
  • Pass the award to 7 nominees. My favorite part – coming right up.

7 Things About Me

  • I’m Irish, really I am. I swear. How come no one believes me????
  • I’m not really 39 but I’m not telling how old I really am. Let’s just say 39 with lots of experience and leave it at that.
  • I’m silly, but I guess you figured that one out.
  • This one is really scary — I am a teacher!!! Yes, folks, America’s future is in my hands.
  • My children are not twins, not adopted and are both 27. That’s a math problem for you. It’s also why I can’t get away with being 39 anymore.
  • I am deathly allergic to minivans and station wagons. They breed kids. Last time I bought a station wagon, I ended up with 2 foster children. We bought a mini van and kids that didn’t even belong to us just appeared out of no where. I drive a Mazda Miata, thank you.
  • I am president of the Coconut Haters Club of America (there is no such thing to my knowledge but if there was one, I’d be president.) Can’t even stand the smell of the stuff. I have a hard time at the beach. Please, no letters, after 39 years I’m not going to start loving coconut.

And Winners of the Very Inspiring Blogger Award…

(Visit them and show love)

3-in-1 Award


This most awesome award combines 3 awards into one. I would like to thank Divine Rhythm for giving me such an honor.

Please visit this blog and show some love.

Now it is time for me to select blogs to give this award and pass it along. If you decide to accept this award, don’t forget to pass it along to other awesome bloggers and share the love and add a link back to the site that nominated you (https://living4bliss.wordpress.com) along with your award display.

The Winners of the 3-in-1 Award

(Don’t forget to visit these blogs and show your love)

Aurora Morealist (http://auroramorealist.wordpress.com)

Goss Coaching (http://goss-coaching.com/)

Kidz Rock (http://kidzrockinc.wordpress.com/)

Let Life In Practices (http://leflifeinpractices.com)

Mirth and Motivation (http://eof737.wordpress.com/)

Mortal Hearts with Immortal Souls (http://celestealluvial.wordpress.com)

Nocturn Fire Fay (http://nocturnfirefay.wordpress.com/)

The Cup of Life (http://thecupoflife.wordpress.com/)

Weight 4 Us (http://weight4us.wordpress/com/)

The Hug Award

Celeste Alluvial nominated Mental Health Food for this very special award. Thank you so much Celeste.

I knew right away which blog I was going to nominate for this award. She is embarking on a journey that is all too familiar to me, the road back from agoraphobia (the fear of leaving your house or familiar surroundings.)

This condition (psychologists may call it an illness but having been there, I prefer to look at it as an overactive creative subconscious) is like being in a deep, dark, hole all alone and looking up to see a pinhole of light somewhere at the top. You are so trapped by fear that you have all but ceased to live.

I broke free 25 or so years ago, but reading this blog reminds me of how grateful I am to get out of that hole. I see nothing but sunshine every day and I bask in the light because I know how life is without it. If this blog can show just one person how to get out of that hole (or whatever hole you are in), it is worth every word that I type.

Reading about how this brave woman is finding her way to the light by visiting 325 Facebook friends makes me want to put my arms around her and give her a big hug of encouragement. Not only has she found the courage to overcome her demons, she is able to write about her journey with honesty.

Instead, I will give her the hug award. She deserves it.

The HUG Award© is for people who, without giving up or compromising their own religious, spiritual, or political beliefs, are able to nurture hope and respect the dignity of all people.  ” You can read more about this award on their A Hope for Today website.

Her modest blog description says, “just another wordpress site.” I assure you it is not. Her blog is an inspiring story of joy and triumph.

Please subscribe and give her encouragement.

This special award goes to Arlynn Presser at (http://arlynnpresser.wordpress.com/)

To claim this award go to http://ahopefortoday.com/2012/01/14/hope-unites-globally-hug-award-guidelines/

Keep going Arlynn.

About living4bliss

Mental Health Food is the place to stop to get your bliss on everyday. I give tips, hints and sometimes a little silliness to help you navigate the challenges of life. We have a great community of positive bloggers that keep the bliss going all day every day. Make sure to visit their blogs, too. Mental Health Food is a product of Believing Life Is Setup for Success, Inc. (B.L.I.S.S.) in Thornton, CO. We have been in the business of teaching success since 1991. We provide workshops, consulting services and now videos that help people just like you start and maintain successful businesses and personal lives using what you already have. Enjoy a daily dose of Mental Health Food; nourishment for the mind.

27 responses »

  1. Congrats…you deserve each and every one…:)
    and thank you too! ❤

  2. Congratulations on these awards! You do inspire so many! Thank you for nominating me for 3-in-1 Award. It means a lot to me. I will have time later today to write an appropriate thank you post, but for now, know that I am grateful.

  3. Congratulations on all the love Arlynn…you deserve it!

  4. Congratulations! And thanks for nominating me! I am honored and appreciative. You would have been my first choice for this award. Love your blog!

  5. enlightone says:

    Thanks so much for nominating for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award – I really appreciate it 🙂

  6. rumpydog says:

    Oh Dog! Thanks so much for including me! You are truly inspiring.

  7. Currie Rose says:

    Congratulations! I will be sure to check out these blogs soon. Happy weekend to you. 🙂

  8. […] And the Winners Are… (living4bliss.wordpress.com) Share this:SharePrintDiggLinkedInRedditTumblrStumbleUponEmailFacebookTwitterLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This entry was posted in Of a moment………. and tagged Very Inspiring Blogger Award by MindMindful. Bookmark the permalink. […]

  9. zendictive says:

    bows humble (~_~) thank you

    • living4bliss says:

      I really love your blog, especially the stories, parables and fables. It always gives me a different perspective on things.

      I thank our friend Rumpy Dog for introducing me to your awesomeness.

  10. Congratulations, Saundra!! Well deserved!!

  11. cruz2lose says:

    I headed out this morning to clean my garage and had left my phone in my laundry room. Time seemed to fly as I was sorting through old memories and making decisions about what I needed to toss out in my life. I hadn’t even realized hours had passed when I walked in to check my phone…I can’t tell you how incredibly touched I was when I saw my email that I had received these awards. Honestly, I too, am speechless and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Saundra, I appeciate your kindness more than I could ever put into words. Much love to you.


  12. Thank you so much for the award 🙂 very kind and thoughtful of you . xx

  13. ElizOF says:

    Congratulations on all your wonderful awards and thank you for including my blog on your list. It is appreciated. 🙂

  14. WordsFallFromMyEyes says:

    Wow, this is Award City! Congrats. I agree with your choice of Rumpy Dog … love him 🙂

  15. rampike says:

    congratulations on your awards!

  16. Mira Jay says:

    congrats & thanks again for the nomination…

  17. WOW!!!! thank you so so much! i congratulate you–what an inspiration you are. . .

    • living4bliss says:

      Arlynn. You are the inspiration. I am so glad to meet you. I follow your triumphs and remember my own struggle. You will make it.

      I am fighting back tears of joy for you now.

      Keep going, girl. The sunshine is warm and good.

  18. lostupabove says:

    Congratulations on this enviable collection of awards. Well done.
    Love, Steph

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