If you’ve ever attended a class reunion, then you know how easy it is to generate a fake ID. People will rent a luxury car, borrow clothes and even print up phony business cards just to impress people that they haven’t seen in 20 years.

Just like the people from your high school class, you can easily change your personal ID to be anything you want it to be.

To change your personal ID there are 3 things you must do:

  • Change your mindset
  • Change your confidence level
  • Change your actions


Decide to act like who you want to be.  A good life is always about good decisions.  Before you can become the person you want to be, you must decide who that person is.

You cannot be happy if you allow others to influence you. You must decide what YOU want and who YOU want to be, even if it upsets other people. You can live creatively without taking away from others.

You cannot effectively change by just wanting to change; you must know what that change looks like. You must visualize it in vivid detail. You must want it much more than the life you currently have.

The minute you envision the possibilities of your new future, your creative subconscious will attempt to keep you in your comfort zone.

Your desire for change must be strong enough to overcome self-sabotage created by your creative subconscious mind. This usually happens when you reach the point in your life when you’ve had enough. You realize that something must change and you become determined to change things.


Now you must build up the confidence to step into your new role.

Confidence comes before competence.

You cannot become proficient at something until you try it. Trying something new requires confidence.

Imagine yourself safely arriving at your destination. You are happier. Visualization is key to confidence.

Build up evidence that you are a competent person. Remind yourself of all of your past accomplishments. How many times did you successfully conquer new territory?

Use little triumphs to reinforce your abilities. Did you survive the first day of Kindergarten? Have you gotten a job? What other little things have you done?

Ask yourself, “what is the worst thing that can happen if I fail?” If you can handle that, then go for it.


Finally, you are ready to act. Your personal ID is built on your actions, so you must DO something in order to BE what you want to be.

You must rescript your actions so that you don’t fall into the old patterns of behavior. You must decide to act like the new you.

Use your talents, develop them and opportunities will come.

Change comes when you decide “I am not like that anymore” and you act on your decision to become the person on your new ID card.


If you know of a positive blog I can feature here, please let me know about it on Facebook.


We have a little more than a week left in the Black History Month Contest. I am sharing the 21 African-Americans who influenced me the most. If you are the first person to guess who my #1 influence is, you will win a $47 Purpose Driven Woman Boot Camp courtesy of fellow blogger Taquila Coleman.

5. Thurgood Marshall

6. Rosa Parks

7. John Hope Franklin

8. Benjamin O. Davis

9.Frederick Douglass

10.Charles Drew

11.Bill Cosby

12.Alex Haley

13.James Weldon Johnson

14.Malcolm X

15.Sidney Poitier

16.Oprah Winfrey

17. Paul Laurence Dunbar

18. Maya Angelou

19. Langston Hughes

20. Nikki Giovanni

21. Marian Anderson


About living4bliss

Mental Health Food is the place to stop to get your bliss on everyday. I give tips, hints and sometimes a little silliness to help you navigate the challenges of life. We have a great community of positive bloggers that keep the bliss going all day every day. Make sure to visit their blogs, too. Mental Health Food is a product of Believing Life Is Setup for Success, Inc. (B.L.I.S.S.) in Thornton, CO. We have been in the business of teaching success since 1991. We provide workshops, consulting services and now videos that help people just like you start and maintain successful businesses and personal lives using what you already have. Enjoy a daily dose of Mental Health Food; nourishment for the mind.

5 responses »

  1. How coincidental! My husband’s nickname is “Pap.” Outside of work, that’s what everyone calls him. To nieces and nephews, he’s “Uncle Pap.”

    Can’t wait to see the #1 person who influenced you!!

  2. excellent post! Love to you! Linda

  3. […] 3 Things You Must Do To Change Your Personal ID (living4bliss.wordpress.com) […]

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